Board meeting – 23 July 2015
The next Board meeting will take place on 23 July 2015, Southside London, at 10.30am.
If you would like to attend, please register your interest at and let us know if you have any additional requirements.
Please note that members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Board – which although being held in public are not public meetings. Questions submitted via this website will not be passed on for discussion at Board meetings, but will receive a response.
The Board meeting will be broadcast live as part of our commitment to make information as accessible as possible. The livestream is best viewed in Firefox,Google Chrome or Internet Explorer 8 and 9 with the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. You may experience issues viewing this content in Internet Explorer 6 and 7. The live broadcast will be added to our livestream page on the date of the board meeting.
A separate recording of each agenda item will then be published on YouTube in the following few days and captions will be available at this stage.