Matthew Jolly announced as National Clinical Director: maternity review and women’s health for NHS England
NHS England is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Matthew Jolly (MBBS MD MRCOG) as the National Clinical Director for Maternity Review and Women’s Health.
Matthew is an experienced clinician who is committed to providing excellent individual care and to the strategic improvement of maternity services and women’s health.
He qualified at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School and trained as an obstetrician and gynaecologist in the North West Thames region, including two years researching the role of maternal metabolism in fetal growth at Imperial College School of Medicine. Matthew trained as a sub specialist in maternal and fetal medicine at the Centre for Fetal Care, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital. Since 2001 he has worked as a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust and Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust. He has also worked as a departmental clinical director and since 2013 as joint clinical director for The Maternity Children and Young People South East Coast Strategic Clinical Network.
Matthew’s Strategic Clinical Network work has led to several national roles including sitting on the Women’s Health Patient Safety Expert Group, working with Specialised Commissioning, supporting the oversight and implementation of the NHSE stillbirth care bundle and working as a stakeholder with NICE.
Matthew is due to join NHS England in the autumn and will be taking over the role of NCD from Dr Catherine Calderwood, who has moved on to be Chief Medical Officer for Scotland.