
NHS England update on industrial action by junior doctors

NHS England has issued an update on the industrial action by junior doctors that is taking place today (Tuesday 12th January).

NHS trusts have reported today that 39% of junior doctors (out of a possible 26,000) have reported for duty on the day shift.

Combining junior doctors, other doctors and consultants, the data shows 71% of the total trust medical workforce in work today.

NHS Trusts have also reported today that the following elective procedures due to take place today have been postponed as a result of industrial action.

  • Inpatient – 1,279
  • Day Case – 2,175

Anne Rainsberry, National Incident Director for NHS England, said: “As expected, unfortunately, this action has caused disruption to patient care and we apologise to all patients affected.  It’s a tough day but the NHS is pulling out all the stops, with senior doctors and nurses often stepping in to provide cover.

“We are actively monitoring the situation across the country and the impact of the action is broadly in line with what we were expecting. NHS trusts are now working hard to reschedule cancelled tests, appointments and operations as soon as is possible.

“We will continue to work closely with hospitals and other NHS providers across the country to ensure that contingency plans are in place and that they can safely provide the urgent and emergency services needed.

“If people need medical help during the industrial action and it’s not an emergency they should consider NHS Choices, or visit their local pharmacy – or call their GP or NHS 111 for more serious matters. If their condition is an emergency or life-threatening they should call 999 as usual or go to A&E”.


  1. David Peach says:

    Its time Jeremy Hunt takes responsibility for his actions that caused this industrial action by dedicated medical personnel he and the Tory Party have caused thousands of deaths firstly to the Disability Claimants denying them Benefits then in the NHS by Staff shortages and supporting the Private Healthcare sector running the NHS down. The Private Healthcare Sector only want healthy customers not the poor or elderly. The Tory Party seem oblivious to this section of the public, all they think about greed and corruption. The Hierarchy of the NHS should wake up and support the members of their medical personnel who are dedicated. This action is a last response not wanting but for their care for the sick they have had to make a statement.

  2. Phill wheatley says:

    Hi, what you have not said, is how many of these delayed cases will result in premature deaths, extended stays in hospitals or unnecessary institutional care.