
Consultation on Specialised Services clinical commissioning policies and service specifications

NHS England has today (11 March 2016) launched a 30 day public consultation on a number of proposed new products for specialised services, (including service specifications and clinical commissioning policies).

There has already been extensive engagement on these national specifications and policies. They have been developed with the support and input of lead clinicians and tested with stakeholders. This approach has helped ensure that the views of key stakeholders have informed and influenced the development of the specifications and policies to date.

Please note this is one of several public consultations on a proposed new draft products for specialised services. We now wish to test them further with wider stakeholders through public consultation.


  1. Shaun Green says:

    Dear NHSE one of my GPs has raised a query as to why specialist commissioning policies do not seem to use QALYs in their assessment of cost effectiveness of commissioning.

    Is this something you can clarify

    regards Shaun

  2. David Peach says:

    As you say your having a 30 day “PUBLIC CONSULTATION”, if that is so how many of the “PUBLIC” are you “CONSULTING”?. Seeing as they are approx. 50 million in ENGLAND. I assume the DRAFT has been put together and the PUBLIC CONSULTATION is a P.R. thought by James Hunt.