
NHS England sets out local NHS funding growth to 2020

NHS England today published indicative figures for how much each part of England could see its NHS budget grow by 2020, and the funding available for transformation.

This will help local NHS and care leaders develop their Sustainability & Transformation plans (STPs), showing how the NHS Five Year Forward View will be implemented locally, using the growing funding envelope available to each area.

NHS England also announced that it would invest around £112 million (2016/17) in the vanguard projects which are leading the way and road testing new models of care in different parts of the country.

Specific allocations for 47 of the 50 vanguards are announced. The remaining 3 are within Greater Manchester and form part of the devolution deal.

Final decisions on allocations and its phasing will be taken by the NHS England Board subsequent to the production and sign off of local STPs by NHS England from July onwards.

Quick summary guides describing how the NHS can meet the requirements of the Five Year Forward View and are being made available to local NHS and care leaders. These guides will help local leaders work together to tackle the big system challenges and build on existing efforts to make progress on some of the most challenging clinical priorities.