NHS England specialised commissioning Patient and Public Voice (PPV) partner opportunity
This vacancy is no longer available.
NHS England is committed to ensuring that public and patient voices are at the centre of shaping our healthcare services. Every level of our commissioning system needs to be informed by insightful methods of listening to those who use and care about our services to inform service development.
There are a range of opportunities for the public, patients, carers and patient representative organisations to get involved in shaping the work of NHS England, and we are currently seeking to recruit a Patient and Public Voice (PPV) partner to sit on the Clinical Priorities Advisory Group (CPAG).
CPAG is a non-executive and independently-chaired advisory committee, established by the Board to make recommendations to NHS England about which new treatments, services and technologies should be prioritised for inclusion in prescribed specialised services routine commissioning and could be funded by potential discretionary spend within the annual Specialised Commissioning budget allocation.
PPV representation will play an advisory role and constructively challenge to help CPAG to make decisions that reflect the interests of the population. The PPV partner would be expected to operate at a Non-Executive Director skill level.
The closing date for all applications is 3 August 2016, with interviews to be held on 11 August.
We would expect applicants to have previous experience of giving a public, patient or carer perspective on health services and a strong commitment to maintaining a patient focus in the commissioning of health services. The expected time commitment is around 30 days per year, and the initial contract is for one year.
Travel expenses and other appropriate out-of-pocket expenses are payable, in addition to an honorarium of £75 per half day or £150 per full day for those people not representing or supported by an organisation.