NHS urges people to spot signs of depression and dementia in loved ones this Christmas
People should look out for signs of depression and dementia among older family members and friends over Christmas, NHS England expert Professor Alistair Burns urged today.
Problems that may have been hidden can come to the surface or be easier to spot as families or friends get together over the festive season, Prof Burns said.
Depression should not be written off as inevitable in old age and can be treated effectively. Emotional changes can also be the first indication that someone has dementia.
Anyone who is concerned about a friend or loved one should listen carefully and sympathetically to their concerns, encourage people to get help and get checked out by their GP.
Family doctors can provide reassurance and ensure people get the treatment and support they need.
Professor Alistair Burns, NHS England’s National Clinical Director for Dementia and Older People’s Mental Health said: “Dementia is an insidious disease that develops slowly and may go unnoticed in people we see every day.
“As families and friends get together over Christmas there is an opportunity to spot warning signs that may have been missed.
“There are lots of reasons why people might be forgetful or absent-minded at such a busy time of the year but it could also be the sign that something can be wrong.
“Getting a diagnosis – whether it is for depression or dementia – is the first step in accessing the best help and support.”
Awareness raising by NHS England has helped to diagnose over 175,000 more people with dementia, over the last few years. This means people with dementia and their families can access support.
The NHS long term plan will set out increased support for patients and their families.
Prof Burns also urged couples to look out for one another, use the festive period to take stock and “check their mate” for signs of dementia.
“We often put mood changes in loved ones down to normal ageing, more so for people in long term relationships. Symptoms often develop very slowly so it is easy to regard them as being a normal part of ageing, but this is not always the case.”
“A lot of people in long term relationships might think that their partners are simply in a ‘mood.’
“The important thing is to look for changes in normal behaviour. If your partner is down and forgetful or feels they may not be able to cope with the thought of Christmas, it would be worth getting them checked out by their GP.”
In England it is estimated that around 676,000 people have dementia and one-in-three of us will care for someone with the disease at some point in our lives. While it mainly affects people over 65, for some dementia can develop earlier, presenting different issues for the person affected, their carer and their family.
The condition that costs the country £26 billion a year, is a key priority for NHS England, which has set the target of making this the best country in the world for dementia care and support for individuals with dementia, their carers and families to live, and also the best place in the world to undertake research into dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases by 2020.
There are a range of NHS services to help people with dementia and also support for their family and carers. As well as treatment from GPs and hospitals, it can also include other types of healthcare such as community mental health nurses, physiotherapy, hearing care, optometry, foot care, speech and language therapy, and mobility specialists.