New interim chair for King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Sir Hugh Taylor appointed as the interim chair of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Sir Hugh Taylor has been asked to take on this position alongside his existing role as chair of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, in a move that will enable closer working and a deeper and long-term strategic relationship between two of the largest acute healthcare providers in the capital.
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust’s current chair, Ian Smith, has served as chair on an interim basis since December 2017. Ian took over as chair when the trust was placed in special measures for finance reasons in response to concerns about its growing deficit, and he has done an excellent job in very challenging circumstances. He leaves the trust in a much better position with a strong leadership team, including the recent appointment of its new chief executive, Dr Clive Kay.
Sir Hugh is one of the most experienced and distinguished chairs in the NHS and has a deep commitment to improving health services in South East London. He is expected to serve in both roles until 31 January 2021.
We will continue to work closely with both trusts to ensure the arrangement is working well.
I would like to offer my sincere thanks to Ian for his leadership of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust over the last year during which he has stabilised the trust in extremely challenging circumstances. Ian’s leadership and the work of the King’s team over the last year has made possible this next step of greater collaboration across South East London.
I am delighted that Sir Hugh Taylor has agreed to be the interim chair of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, alongside continuing to chair Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
Sir Hugh’s appointment will enable closer working and a deeper and long-term strategic relationship between both organisations as we take forward the Long Term Plan. Greater collaboration, including support from and close working with Guy’s and St Thomas’, is a good thing for both patients and providers across South East London.
Baroness Dido Harding, Chair of NHS Improvement
I am very much looking forward to working with the board and colleagues at King’s College Hospital – with which, as a local resident, I have a strong personal association. I will certainly be bringing to my role at King’s the same level of commitment as I hope I have shown to Guy’s and St Thomas’ over the past eight years.
This is about creating a new future for King’s, building on the progress it has made under Ian and Peter’s leadership over the last 12 months. I see my role as leading a process, supported by Guy’s and St. Thomas’ and other partners in the local health system, to work with colleagues at King’s to help the organisation through its current difficulties to that new future — one where it stands on its own feet as an organisation.
But King’s cannot and should not stand alone. In the interests of our patients and our local population, Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s need to work more closely together and with our partners, combining our strengths to improve the health of our population and the care of patients through the development of local integrated partnerships across South East London – particularly in our case in Lambeth, Southwark and Bromley – and through the provision of specialist services and their associated networks across South London and beyond.
‘s chair of King’s I will therefore be working with the newly appointed chief executive and the board, to stabilise and improve our financial and operational performance — with the support of Guy’s and St. Thomas’ and other partners. As chair of both Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s, I will be promoting collaborative working and decision-making between our trusts and with system partners in South East London and beyond.
We do not need a merger to do this. We will continue to operate as two organisations – but,increasingly, two organisations with one voice.
Sir Hugh Taylor, Chair of Guy’s and Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
It has been a privilege to serve as the interim chairman of King’s. It has been hugely rewarding to work alongside such a fantastic and dedicated team who always put patients first. Together I think we have made great strides in understanding the systemic issues that led King’s into deficit and identifying the changes that are needed to return it to a healthy position.
I believe we now have a stronger financial and operational platform to complement King’s continuing clinical excellence. I look forward to seeing King’s continue on its improving trajectory in the years to come. Finally, I would like to thank everyone at King’s for their unstinting and wholehearted support over the past year.
Ian Smith, departing interim Chair of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust