
The future means investing in people, patients and communities

NHS England’s Director of Patient & Public Voice and Insight explains how the new era of health and social care involves giving people more control over their wellbeing:

It is great to work for an NHS that is ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’.

Increasingly now, we are delivering work that gives greater voice, choice and control to people. One of our ambitions is to give over even more control – to rebalance our health system so that it empowers and enables people to be in control of their own health.

The NHS Five Year Forward View has already set out our vision to develop a new relationship with people and communities. Translating this into a reality is now an everyday activity for us. We are working to embed a new operating model for the NHS, where professional staff work alongside individuals, carers, families, and social networks.

We are not there yet, but we know how to get there, and what good looks like.

NHS England is currently rolling out a programme of activity, with vanguard sites and other early adopters, that seeks to reposition the nation’s health on a social, rather than biomedical model.

We now know the approaches, interventions, and models that work.

The Realising the Value Programme has clarified the types of approaches and interventions that, if implemented at scale, are likely to have the greatest impact. Building on the strong platform of person centred care and support planning and helping people build their confidence, skills and knowledge, these approaches include:

  • Self-management education
  • Peer support
  • Health coaching
  • Group based activities to support health and wellbeing
  • Asset based approaches in the health and wellbeing context

We have key opportunities to implement such approaches at scale, and in a sustainable way, across the health and care system. These include through the new care models programme, and through the Sustainability Transformation Plans being developed locally.

In the coming months we will be strengthening NHS England’s ability to make this happen through two new ‘support offers’ to the system:

  • Supported self-management programme – this will create the right conditions for a sustainable health and care system; one that builds on people’s strengths and understands their ambitions.
  • New care models, empowering patients and communities workstream – this is designed to enable the new care model vanguards to implement key person and community centred approaches.  This will also drive wider system and workforce change.

In both of these areas we are advertising new posts over the next few weeks. If you want to be part of the most exciting developments in health and care for many years please visit NHS jobs.

  • Head of Self-care Programme
  • Strategic Communications Manager
  • Senior Strategic Advisor (NHSE Delivery Partners)
  • Senior Strategic Advisor (External Delivery)
  • Senior Strategic Advisor (Academic & Clinical)
  • Senior Strategic Advisor (Evidence)
  • Empowering People Workstream Lead
  • Empowering People Delivery Lead
  • Empowering People Delivery Partner
  • Patient Involvement Manager
  • Business Manager
  • Analytical Manager
  • Programme Coordinator
  • Programme Coordinator (FYFV)
  • Empowering Patients Administrator
  • Business Support Assistant (3 posts)


Occasionally we invite guest bloggers to write posts for NHS England. Those posts are marked as authored by “Guest blogs”.


  1. Deborah says:

    Are all of these posts office based in Leeds or London or is there scope for home-based working to ensure that people based outside Leeds or London can apply?

  2. sheinaz stansfield says:

    We are implementing these approaches to engage patients as equal partners in self care and decision making through practice champions, social prescribing, supported self care (YoC) at practice level, all of which make a significant impact on managing demand and population based care in GP.

    In these times of austerity it makes absolute business sense to engage our communities in strategic and corporate business planning. Enabling co- production at the coal face and working with people as equals to help themselves and others to manage their long term conditions and other complex care needs.

  3. Francesco says:


    Please find time to go to the NHS Citizen Gather discussion site,( link below) your blog to-day does not fit with the Five Year Forward View or NHS England business plan 2016/2017 & 2017/2018.Time to deliver on STP plans with patients and public involved and in the room at the same time please.

  4. Kevin S. Riley Solicitor. says:

    All these initiatives are concealing the reality that the NHS is now no longer “national” since the removal of the NHS from democratic control as a result of the fundamental changes introduced by the last Conservative led Government in 2013.
    Even NHS England (As confirmed by Sir David Nicholson) cannot guarantee that any identified “improvements” are actually implemented by the now “independent” NHS Foundation trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups – neither can Jeremy Hunt or the Department of Health.
    The most immediate necessity is for everyone to realise is that no improvements to the way patients are treated can be guaranteed by anyone since the removal of the NHS from democratic control as a result of the last Government’s changes which took effect in 2013.

    The result of the above is that every NHS Foundation Trust is independent, not only from the Government and the Department of Health, but also NHS England (and it’s numerous off shoots) itself.

    None of the above can now direct NHS Trusts to behave in a particular way, they can only “ask and/or recommend” but can do nothing effective if the various independent Trusts choose to ignore that request and/or recommendation.

    Since 2103 we therefore no longer have a truly “national” Health Service – instead of which we now have 150 or so “independent” separate health services providers, each one of which can make their own decisions about how they provide health services and there is nothing NHS England, Jeremey Hunt or the Department of Health can do to alter this fundamental “legal” reality..

    Given the above and the fact that the NHS as a whole is desperately short of money to meet “patient demand” leads to the inescapable conclusion that the billions of pounds each year spent funding the Department of Health, NHS England and it’s numerous and seemingly ever increasing “off shoots” really represents value for money to the tax payer.

    Kevin S. Riley Solicitor.

  5. Mark Duman says:

    Any secondments/ advisory roles?
    If NCM program has 17 Clinical Advisors, surely some Patient Advisors won’t got amiss? 😉

    • Kassander says:

      is an organization, NOT a person.

      If you are going to post what I know to be overblown and unsubstantiated claims such as these, thew very least you can do is to state:
      ## Who you are;
      ## In which capacity you write;
      ## Where one may check the claims you have made, with particular emphasis on your lacking in evidence :
      ## ”Patient and public voice partners… ”
      ?? Where might one access the list of these, please
      ### ”We have around 75 members of the public who have taken part so far … ”
      ?? For a P&P base of ~ 50 000 000 this seems a rather low number – how long has this project been running;

      ### ”from a variety of backgrounds. While we are happy with the diversity of volunteers we have so far …”
      ?? Please supply a link to your statistical analysis which supports this claim.
      [Modern medicine is said to be EVIDENCE based.]

      One feels certain that from the wealth of knowledge available within OUR=NHS
      you could have sourced the help and guidance to enable you to to include Hypertext / Hot, links in your text so that my email would have been unnecessary?
      Failure to supply this information will, of course, result in an FoI Act 2000 request – an unnecessary expense, and possibly a complaint.