
Ensuring general practice, networks and our patients are at the heart of what we do

We are pleased to publish an update to the Investment and Evolution: Update to the GP contract agreement 2020/21-2023/24, agreed with British Medical Association General Practitioners Committee (GPC) yesterday (6 February 2020).

We hope you can see that we have truly listened, worked with our GPC colleagues and ensured general practice, networks and our patients are at the heart of what we do.

Some of the highlights we hope you will find supportive include:

  • major enhancements to the additional roles reimbursement scheme to help secure the target of 26,000 additional staff, including an expansion of roles
  • 100 percent reimbursement for the additional roles backed by a bottom up planning process and CCG support
  • a raft of measures to aid GP training recruitment and retention to help deliver the target of 6000 extra doctors working in primary care, including a new to partnership payment, fellowships in general practice for GP trainees and newly qualified nurses and more
  • a renewed focus on improving access including a GP access improvement programme which will seek to cut the longest waits for routine appointments and improve patient satisfaction
  • further reforms to asthma, COPD and heart failure QOF domains, and a new indicator to support diabetes prevention
  • an overhaul of vaccination payments to increase coverage
  • a new universal post-natal check at 6-8 weeks for new mothers
  • introduction of revised structured medication reviews, care homes and early cancer diagnosis national service specifications, with an additional care home payment
  • introduction of the new Investment and Impact Fund in 2020/21 with incentives in year one to increase uptake of learning disability health checks, seasonal flu jabs, social prescribing referrals, and improve specific aspects of prescribing.

However, whatever the contract says, we must now work closely together across our various systems to deliver real improvements for patients and those working in primary care. Your ongoing help and support in doing this is invaluable.

This will ensure general practice, primary care and primary care networks are able to deliver the very best for our population and our profession.

Dr Nikki Kanani is a GP in south-east London and is Medical Director of Primary Care for NHS England and NHS Improvement. Prior to joining NHS England she was Chief Clinical Officer of NHS Bexley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

Nikki has held a range of positions within healthcare to support the development of innovative models of care, highly engaged clinical, patient and public leadership and is passionate about supporting primary care, improving service provision and population wellbeing.

She is a member of The King’s Fund General Advisory Council and holds a MSc in health care commissioning. With her sister she co-founded STEMMsisters, a social enterprise supporting young people to study science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine. She has two young children.

Ed Waller

Ed Waller became Deputy Chief Financial Officer in 2023.