
The new Congenital Heart Disease review: 14th update

Since the publication of this blog John Holden has left NHS England.

Your feedback

Thank you for your comments, questions and challenges about the review during 2013, all of which have been gratefully received.

As promised last week, this is just a short blog to publish a few things that are overdue and I didn’t want to leave until the new year.  In particular, there are notes of the three engagement meetings we held, with our patient and public group, our clinicians group, and our providers group (see separate items below).  To help make sense of the different discussions, we have also produced a draft summary which draws out some of the common themes.

Patients, families and their representatives

I wrote to the Chair of the Health Scrutiny Commission for Lincolnshire, and to the Chair of Yorkshire and Humber Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee, to provide each with a short update on the progress of the review.  This update was instead of me attending their meetings in person again, which they had requested.  Copies of the correspondence are here – Lincolnshire: 31 Oct, Lincolnshire: 20 Nov  and here – Yorkshire & Humber: 09 Dec, Yorkshire & Humber: 10 Dec


On 12 November 2013 Bill McCarthy, Michael Wilson and I attended the Patients & Public Group – a draft note of the meeting is here.


Clinicians and their organisations

On 19 November 2013 Michael Wilson and I attended the Provider Group – a draft note of the meeting is here.


On 22 November Bruce Keogh, Michael Wilson and I attended the Clinicians’ Group – a draft note of the meeting is here.


The next meeting of the Clinical Advisory Panel is scheduled for Wednesday 18 December 2013 and the agenda and papers for the meeting are enclosed.


NHS England and other partners

I enclose a draft note of the Task & Finish Group which took place on 29 October 2013.  The note will remain draft until it is agreed when the Group meets again in January.

John Holden was previously Director of Policy, Partnerships and Innovation, since the publication of these blogs he has left NHS England.