Funding arrangements for bed and community care capacity in the hospice sector
Information on the arrangements to fund hospices to support the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Updated 15 December 2021.
Information on the arrangements to fund hospices to support the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Updated 15 December 2021.
Guidance outlining changes to the processes for reporting revenue expenditure and claiming reimbursement for capital expenditure related to COVID-19.
Published 19 May 2020.
The implications for contracting between commissioners and NHS Trusts / NHS foundation trusts and non-NHS providers.
Published 26 March 2020.
NHS England / CCGs to use this template to record the block payment approach which departs from the current pricing arrangements with their NHS providers.
Published 26 March 2020.
Guidance to support the amended financial arrangements for the NHS for the period 1 April to 31 July 2020.
Published 13 April 2020.
Documents outlining the new and updated financial and funding arrangements for 20/21 financial year.
Published 13 April 2020.
Downloadable spreadsheet of questions for the NHS finance community about the COVID-19 response.
Updated 21 May 2020.