Restoration of community health services

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COVID-19 restoration of community health services for children and young people: second and third phases of NHS response.



This document includes:

  1. Urgent actions to address inequalities in NHS provision and outcomes
  2. Mental health planning
  3. Restoration of adult and older people’s community health services
  4. Using patient-initiated follow-ups as part of the NHS COVID-19 recovery
  5. Finance: 2020/21 phase 3 planning submission guidance
  6. COVID-19 data collections: changes to weekend collections

Published 20 March 2020. Updated 18 September 2020.



Department for Education (DfE) published new guidance for full opening of schools from the beginning of the autumn term. This letter and annex contains guidance on the restoration of community health services for children and young people. This document supersedes the prioritisation guidance for community health services first published on 20 March and subsequently updated on 2 April 2020.

Published 3 June 2020. Updated 31 July 2020.



To help easy identification of the most significant changes in the Restoration of Community Health Services guidance from the Prioritisation guidance published on 1/4/2020 the attached table records additions, removals and changes to categorisation for services.

Published 3 June 2020


Department for Education (DfE) published new guidance for full opening of schools from the beginning of the autumn term. This letter and annex contains guidance on the restoration of community health services for children and young people. This document supersedes the prioritisation guidance for community health services first published on 20 March and subsequently updated on 2 April 2020.

Published 3 June 2020. Updated 31 July 2020.


To help easy identification of the most significant changes in the Restoration of Community Health Services guidance from the Prioritisation guidance published on 1/4/2020 the attached table records additions, removals and changes to categorisation for services.

Published 3 June 2020