Developing patient centred care
It is important to make sure that the needs of patients are central to the development of new care models, embedding the National Voices ‘I statements’ in:
- patient centred care planning
- implementing integrated personalised commissioning/personal health budgets, and
- supporting patient choice.
Some Pioneers have already made great progress in these areas. We are working with leading edge sites to:
- develop and share good practice on patient centred care planning
- ensure that patient choice is built into new models of care
- integrate work on integrated personalised commissioning with new models of care
- Self-management from rhetoric to reality
- Integrated Care in London: Case for Change – London Health and Care Integration Collaborative
Useful links
- Coalition for Collaborative Care: An alliance of a growing number of people and organisations committed to achieving person centred, collaborative care.
- Health Foundation – Person Centered Care resource Centre
- Kings Fund – from vision to action: making patient centred care a reality
- Personal Health Budgets: Information and news about the Department of Health’s personal health budgets policy being rolled out nationally in the NHS; and is home to a learning network for NHS and social care professionals involved in personal health budgets
- Year of Care: Year of Care aims to provide personalised care planning for people with long term conditions by working in partnership with patients and care profession