Overarching aim: The London Stroke Clinical Network and ISDN has a responsibility for transforming stroke care across London and its overarching aim is to improve clinical outcomes, patient experience and patient safety. It does this by bringing together stakeholders to facilitate a collaborative approach to improving the entire stroke pathway in a patient-centred and evidence-based approach.
Key contacts:
Stroke Clinical Network Co-Clinical Directors:
- Dr Rob Simister, Clinical Lead for Hyperacute Stroke, UCLH NHS Foundation
- Dr Gillian Cumberbatch, St George’s University Hospital Foundation Trust
- Email:
- Twitter: @NHSLdn_CN
London stroke unit look up
The London stroke unit lookup tool has been developed to ensure patients are repatriated to the most appropriate local stroke unit. The tool matches patients’ postcodes with the stroke unit catchment area set by regional agreement. Use the tool below to search the patient’s postcode to identify the correct stroke unit and their contact details.
London stroke unit look up tool
Instructions: Enter the patient’s postcode according to the format indicated in the tool and press enter. The name of the stroke unit and their contact information will be shown.
For feedback, please email
Stroke Clinical Leadership Group
Learn more about the Stroke Clinical Leadership Group, and download CLG resources on the Stroke CLG page.
Key documents
Download all documents and publications from the London Stroke Clinical Network and ISDN via our publications page.