Letter to patients: Important information about treatments for Covid

Classification: Official

Publication reference: PRN00423_i

5 June 2023

To: [Address]


Your NHS number: [NHS number]

Dear [Name],

Important information about treatments for Covid

You may have previously received a letter or email explaining that you might be suitable for treatments if you get Covid and how to get treatment, if required.

We are writing again because the way that you access treatment will change from Tuesday 27 June 2023.

If you get Covid from Tuesday 27 June 2023

  • You will no longer be automatically contacted by the NHS about treatments after reporting a positive Covid test result.
  • You should instead contact your GP practice, NHS 111 or hospital specialist as soon as possible after you test positive so that they can consider referring you for an assessment for treatment.

Why are we sending you this letter?

Your medical records currently show that you may have a health condition which means that treatments might be suitable for you if you get Covid.

These treatments can reduce the chance of you getting seriously ill from Covid and need to be given quickly after you start to have symptoms.

You may have previously been told that the NHS would contact you about treatment once you report a positive Covid test. This will no longer be the case from 27 June.

1. You should keep lateral flow tests at home

You should keep lateral flow tests at home but only use them if you get symptoms. If you do not have any tests, you can order them free of charge from https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests or by calling 119.

From 1 October 2023, the way you access tests may change. You will be able to check www.nhs.uk/CovidTreatments for more information closer to the time.

You can also now use tests purchased from a pharmacy or shop.

2. You should take a test if you have Covid symptoms

If you have Covid symptoms you should take a test immediately, even if your symptoms are mild.

If your test is negative but you continue to have symptoms, you should take another test on each of the next two days (three tests in total over three days).

You should report your test result where possible at https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result or by calling 119, using your NHS number and postcode (at the top of this letter). This will ensure your test result is visible to the NHS, to support referral and assessment.

You will not be able to report the result of a test purchased from a pharmacy or shop but this will not affect your access to an assessment for treatment.

3. Contact the NHS as soon as possible if you test positive

From 27 June, if you test positive, you should contact your GP practice, NHS 111 or hospital specialist (if you have one) as soon as possible so that they can consider referring you for an assessment for treatment.

More information is available at: www.nhs.uk/CovidTreatments

Yours sincerely,

Professor Sir Stephen Powis, National Medical Director, NHS England

More information on how the NHS has used your information: www.digital/nhs.uk/coronavirus/treatments/transparency-notice