Patient and Public Engagement and Communications Advisory Panel – minutes and action notes: 7 November 2024

Date: 7 November 2024
Time: 9:30am to 11:00am
Location: MS Teams


­­­TimeAgenda itemOwner
9:30amIntroductions Review of previous minutes and declaration of interest(Chair)
9:35amLarge-Scale Public Engagement – Tier 2 Materials ReviewSenior Policy Advisor
10:30amPPECAP recruitment materialsFDP Comms
10:45amAdjustments to claiming hours (Follow up)FDP Comms Lead
11:00amAny other Business (Chair)


  • Chair: Association of Medical Research Charities / Cancer Research UK
  • Senior Policy Advisor: DHSC
  • FDP Comms: NHS England
  • Project Support Officer: AGEM
  • Privacy Specialist Office of the National Data Guardian: National Data Guardian
  • FDP Comms Lead: NHS England
  • Lay member: Independent member
  • Lay member: Independent member
  • Lay member: Independent member
  • Lay member: Independent member
  • Lay member: Independent member
  • Lay member: Independent member


  • None

Meeting notes

Agenda item 1 – Introductions

Panel members were welcomed to the meeting by the Chair, who also ran through the agenda.

Review of previous meeting’s action notes and declaration of interest – The action notes from the previous meeting were approved with some minor comments:

  • The owners of each agenda item were not named in the minutes.
  • Apologies were not correct.
  • The membership list should be included in the action notes.

No conflict of interests were raised. 

Agenda item 2 – Large scale public engagement – tier 2 materials review

DHSC presented the stimulus packs for Tier 2 Inclusive Engagement of the programme of Large-Scale Public Engagement. These were condensed and reformatted versions of the stimulus packs PPECAP had previous reviewed.

Key pieces of feedback included:

  • Some of the language needed to be simplified or explained, these included:
    • Ecosystem
    • Intakes
    • Coded data
    • Ministerial direction
  • It should be clear how a care home would register to see a new resident’s health data.
  • Safety advantages should be included in the list of benefits.
  • It should be clear how different NHSE systems communicate with each other.
  • Participants could be shown the animation Understanding Patient Data produced to explain Secure Data Environments and Data Access Committees.
  • The stimulus packs were very clear, and participants weren’t bombarded with information.
  • The questions asked were the right ones, and probed on the most relevant tradeoffs.

Agenda item 3 – PPECAP recruitment materials

The FDP Comms presented the potential recruitment materials for the recruitment of more PPV partners for the PPECAP panel. The aim of recruiting new members is to ensure that the panel remains representative by bringing fresh and diverse perspectives to the group.

PPECAP members were given a presentation of the comms products and asked for their feedback.

Feedback on the taglines included:

  • ‘Partner with us to help shape health data’ was unclear.
  • Shorter taglines were seen as better.
  • ‘Let’s Talk Data’ was very precise and suitable for the recruitment.
  • Some people could be put off by ‘data’ so ‘information’ might be suitable alternative wording.

Feedback on the images included:

  • The images make it seem like younger people are the target audience.
  • Asian audiences could be represented more in the images.
  • The image with older and younger people, of different races was good as it showed diversity.
  • Body language in the images would impact the target audience.
  • There should be more of a family atmosphere shown in the images.
  • The images look university based.
  • The images look like stock images.
  • There could be a mix of clinical and discussion images.

Feedback on the social media text included:

  • Exclamation marks should not be used as it can give a jokey feel.
  • The words ‘paid opportunities’ should be moved to the information section.
  • All text would make interested people read more about the role.

The ‘more information’ section should make it clear that these meetings are held online, so there are no travel requirements.

Agenda item 4 – Adjustments to claiming hours (follow up)

FDP Comms Lead took feedback on the new EASY payment process from members, key points included:

  • The system won’t recognise a payroll number and is requesting an NHS email, which lay members don’t have.
  • One member had been trying to solve issues with the system for the previous two weeks. Multiple members commented that it did not seem fit for the type of work PPECAP members do, as they do not do half days.
  • The system means members are paid late, as they have to wait until the hours add up to a half or full day amount.
  • Members wanted clarity on whether they could claim for time spent on emails.
  • One member claimed time for the hours spent trying to work on the new system.

The spreadsheet option would remain as a workaround while the new system was being resolved. PPECAP members were welcome to continue using this option.

Agenda item 5 – Any other business

No participants raised any other business.