Screening Quality Assurance visit report – North Essex Bowel Cancer Screening Service

NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme
15 November 2022

Scope of this report

TopicCovered by this report?If ‘no’, where you can find information about this part of the pathway
Underpinning functions
Uptake and coverageYesNot applicable
WorkforceYesNot applicable
IT and equipmentYesNot applicable
CommissioningYesPartly NHS England Public Health Commissioning Team East of England
Leadership and governanceYesNot applicable
Cohort identificationNoBowel cancer screening hub
Invitation and informationNoBowel cancer screening hub
TestingNoBowel cancer screening hub
Results and referralNoBowel cancer screening hub
DiagnosisYesNot applicable
Intervention / treatmentYesNot applicable


Bowel cancer screening aims to reduce mortality and the incidence of bowel cancer both by detecting cancers and removing polyps, which, if left untreated, may develop into cancer.

The findings in this report relate to the quality assurance visit on 15 November 2022 to North Essex Screening Service which is commissioned by NHS England East of England Public Health Commissioning team (PHCT). Any commissioning findings are outside the scope of this report and will be followed up directly with the commissioner.

Quality assurance purpose and approach

Quality assurance (QA) aims to achieve and maintain national standards, promote continuous improvement in bowel cancer screening and support reducing health inequalities. This is to ensure all eligible people have access to a consistent high quality, effective, equitable and safe service wherever they live.

QA visits are carried out by the NHS England Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS).

The evidence for this report comes from the following sources:

  • Monitoring of routine data collected by the NHS England
  • data and reports from external organisations
  • evidence submitted by the provider and external organisations
  • discussion with the commissioner in advance of the visit
  • information shared with the Midlands and East SQAS as part of the visit process.

The screening service

The North Essex screening service provides bowel cancer screening for an eligible population of approximately 135,000 and a residential population of 800,000 across 52 GP practices in the geography. Contracting for the Mid-Essex population (400,000 residential population, approximately 78,000 eligible population) transferred from North Essex to South Essex bowel screening programme in November 2021.  However, the transfer was delayed due to the pandemic and site availability in South Essex. The Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System (ICS) covers North East Essex, Ipswich and East Suffolk.

The screening service started inviting men and women aged 60 to 69 years for faecal occult blood test screening in February 2009. In 2013 the service extended the age range covered to include 70 to 74 year olds. Bowel scope screening for men and women aged 55 began just ahead of the deadline in December 2016 with one weekly list which paused soon after and did not re-start. Bowel scope screening was decommissioned in April 2021. In June 2019, the new faecal immunochemical test (FIT) screening was introduced. The centre began inviting 56 years olds as part of the age extension plan in March 2022 and are preparing to invite 58-year-olds in early 2023.

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) formed on 1 July 2018 following the merger of Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust and the Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust. There are no associate Trusts involved in service delivery.

Service co-ordination and administration takes place predominantly at Colchester Hospital. There is limited administrative support currently at Ipswich Hospital and this will be increased when the team expands. Specialist Screening Practitioners (SSPs) work across sites with the exception of one who is based at Ipswich hospital. Colonoscopy is provided at both hospitals, but job plans do not allow for colonoscopists to cover across sites. SSP assessments returned to face-to-face appointments in June 2022 along with the offer of telephone or video conferencing. Pathology and radiology services are provided at both sites.

The screening programme Eastern hub based in Nottingham undertakes:

  • the invitation (call and recall) of individuals’ eligible for FIT screening
  • the testing of screening samples, and
  • onward referral of individuals needing further assessment.

Activities carried out by the hub are outside the scope of this QA visit.


The service has a dedicated team and showed good resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic in recovering the programme. There are several long term vacancies across gastroenterology at ESNEFT and the service adapted to meet the demands of recovery by introducing insourcing for colonoscopy in the short term.  

The service meets or exceeds many of the key performance indicators and provides good clinical quality to the local population. The diagnostic procedure rate meets the achievable standard of 81% whereas many services are not managing to meet the standard regionally and nationally. There has also been recent stability in the diagnostic test waits since the accreditation of a further colonoscopist.

Since the last QA visit there has been significant organisational change. As a result, some governance arrangements and meeting structures are still being embedded and need formalising. Some bowel cancer screening programme (BCSP) operational and Trust governance meetings are detailed clearly in a Trust governance procedure, but not all meetings are currently happening. These meetings are important to share practice, discuss policies, performance, incidents and operational issues and ensure consistency in practice. All BCSP leadership posts are filled and the team work cohesively together.

There is a plan for construction works at Colchester Hospital which will improve the gastroenterology capacity over the coming years. Work is due to start shortly which may impact on the current gastroenterology recovery and reception areas.

The service has returned to face to face SSP consultations. Telephone and video calls are still offered to patients if required, which maximises clinic uptake.

All recommendations from the last visit in July 2016 are complete with the exception of one the need for Joint Advisory Group (JAG) accreditation. 

Immediate concerns

The QA visit team identified no immediate concerns.

Urgent recommendations

The QA visit team identified one urgent recommendation. A letter was sent to the screening director on 17 November 2022 asking that the following item is addressed:

  • assurance of the continued delivery of bowel cancer screening lists, in line with programme standards if construction work to supply oxygen to the new orthopaedic building at Colchester Hospital impacts the use of the endoscopy recovery room.

A response was received informing the visiting QA team of steps taken to partially resolve the urgent recommendation. Since the visit the service have advised that the building work will be delayed into late 2023/2024. Further information is required for assurance of how building works will impact the bowel cancer screening programme, the timeframe for work and how any reduction in activity or risks will be mitigated.

High priority findings

The QA visit team identified seven high priority findings as summarised below across four areas:

  • the service is heavily reliant on insourced colonoscopists to meet the requirements of the BCSP programme. Their future involvement in performance monitoring discussions against the programme standards will support shared learning. Service level agreements for insourcing and outsourcing of bowel cancer screening work do not sufficiently detail the BCSP criteria, performance management and governance arrangements for both colonoscopy and radiology
  • at the time of the visit it was unclear if patients requiring surveillance procedures were on the correct pathway on the bowel cancer screening computer system (BCSS). It was also unclear if there was a full understanding of the required processes to manage surveillance patients. Practice should reflect BCSP guidelines and the Trust were required to give assurance and support staff to manage the surveillance patients. Since the visit the service have worked hard to review the surveillance cases on the bowel cancer screening computer system (BCSS) and engaged with the SQAS team to develop further understanding of the process
  • an action plan is being developed to reinstate JAG accreditation at Colchester Hospital. As both Colchester and Ipswich endoscopy wide services require JAG accreditation, a system wide approach to submitting a single accreditation application will prevent duplication of work and promote quality improvement throughout ESNEFT endoscopy
  • there are no BCSP representatives at Ipswich Hospital colorectal multi-disciplinary (MDT) meeting. ESNEFT should ensure appropriate representation of bowel cancer screening patients requiring MDT discussion.

Examples of practice that can be shared

The QA visit team identified several areas of practice for sharing, including:

  • the team are working with the PHC and newly formed ICS on a pilot project to encourage screening attendance in the homeless community. This work is being considered as a model for national delivery
  • ESNEFT has introduced a screening committee linking all the screening teams across the Trust. This forum provides opportunities for sharing practice and a joined up approach to supporting and managing the eligible screening populations
  • the bowel screening management team work closely with endoscopy to plan and utilise lists to ensure endoscopy capacity is maximised across the symptomatic and screening programmes and protect bowel screening lists 
  • the pathology department have developed a clear and well managed quality management system (QMS) to manage audits and bowel cancer screening standard operating procedures (SOPs), work instructions and policies
  • the bowel cancer screening programme pathology lead has developed an induction, SOPs, work instructions and policies ahead of new pathologists starting in early 2023.


The following recommendations are for the provider to action unless otherwise stated.

No.RecommendationPathway themeReferenceTimescalePriorityEvidence required
Urgent recommendations
01ESNEFT executive team to provide assurance of the continued delivery of bowel cancer screening lists during construction work to the endoscopy reception and recovery areas at Colchester HospitalGovernance and leadership2014 daysUrgentCopy of the action plan for BCSP endoscopy provision with clear timelines
Service provider and population served
 No recommendations made in this section                    
Governance and leadership
02Update the service level agreement (SLA) for insourced colonoscopists and develop a SLA for cross cover arrangements for outsourcing BCSP radiology reporting to specify: colonoscopists and radiologists must be bowel cancer screening programme (BCSP) accredited/trainedmeet the requirements of the BCSP guidelines all (including insourced) staff are included in performance monitoring20, 5 and 33 monthsHighCopy of the revised and signed service level agreements in line with NHS standard contract and BCSP guidelines
03Ensure a joined-up approach from the Trust and endoscopy departments as a whole for Colchester and Ipswich Hospitals to achieve JAG accreditation133 monthsHighSubmit a copy of the action plan and provide regular updates to the programme board
04ESNEFT and North Essex BCSP to put in place regular Trust governance and bowel screening meetings with clear lines of reporting to ensure clear routes of escalation for screening to meet the contract requirements203 monthsStandardUpdate the governance standard operating procedure (SOP) and submit with a revised meeting structure, showing lines of report, terms of reference and planned meeting dates.    Meeting agendas and minutes of next meeting covering: ongoing monitoring, incident, risk, performance and practice discussion
05Update the quality management system (QMS) with correct review dates and introduce a system to ensure all staff are notified of changes and aware of the latest SOPs206 monthsStandardA copy of the revised QMS index with sign off dates. Copies of agendas showing QMS as a standing item.
06Develop a BCSP annual report and present to relevant governance committees2012 monthsStandardA copy of the annual report and evidence of ESNEFT board and programme board discussions
07Expand the demand and capacity and BCSP workforce plans covering all specialties to look at future service needs, succession plans and particular emphasis on increasing endoscopy capacity. 206 monthsStandardA copy of the demand and capacity plan and workforce plan
08Develop an SOP detailing how the programme manages capacity to meet changes in service demands206 monthsStandardA copy of the SOP
09Update SOPs for: management of patients on anti-coagulation and anti-platelet therapies in accordance with British Society of Gastroenterologists (BSG) guidelinesincident management SOP to reflect responsibility of all BCSP team and include non-conformance reportingfinalise the right result to right patient SOP and associated work instruction21, 7 and 143 monthsStandardA copy of the SOPs and evidence of sign off by all relevant staff    
10Complete a health equity audit and develop a health promotion strategy with support of PHC to reduce inequalities in the bowel screening population served by ESNEFT6,18, 19, 206 monthsStandardCopy of health equity audit and health promotion strategy
11Establish an annual audit schedule covering all BCSP specialties and arrange to share and implement learning from audits206 monthsStandardCopy of BCSP wide audit schedule, detailing leads for each audit, minutes of meetings where audits discussed and presented
12Include contact information of CTC department at Colchester Hospital in patient information33 monthsStandardCopy of revised leaflet
13Update bowel computer screening system (BCSS) to ensure all patients requiring a surveillance procedure are on the correct pathway in line with BSG surveillance guidance and update associated surveillance review and data input SOP to reflect appropriate roles and responsibilities.  Share SOP with all relevant team20, 213 monthsHighSummary of review process on BCSS with assurance that all patients are on the correct pathway.  Engage with SQAS colleagues to access support Updated SOP to ensure timely management of surveillance
14Ensure protected time for the Lead SSP to undertake managerial aspects of the role and plan to attend the required advanced communications course203 monthsStandardRevised job description Course booking/ certificate of attendance
15Review of job descriptions for programme manager, lead SSP and audit co-ordinator to ensure appropriate division of roles and responsibilities203 monthsStandardRevised job descriptions
16Radiology job plans to be updated to ensure adequate time for BCSP reporting33 monthsStandardRevised job plans
17Assessment of office accommodation to be undertaken to ensure adequate and appropriate space available to the team to undertake their roles203 monthsStandardCopy of Estates assessment with action plan
Pre-diagnostic assessment 
 No recommendations made in this section    
18Introduce mechanism to routinely share performance data against the BCSP standards with whole team to include insourced colonoscopists.  Involve insourced colonoscopists in in relevant BCSP team meetings. Detail arrangements in SLA.    5, 203 monthsHighAction plan detailing meetings and frequency data reviewed and discussed   Updated SLA   Submit data sharing requests of KPIs for locum consultants working with multiple services to SQAS.
19Update the consent policy to reflect current practice12, 203 monthsStandardUpdated SOP
20Ensure all relevant staff are aware of the requirements of completing the pre procedure health checklist123 monthsStandardUpdated SOP with evidence of sign off from all relevant staff
21Make sure that all CT colonography reports contain the minimum dataset information needed for entry onto the BCSS3, 203 monthsStandardAudit of dataset with outcomes and actions   Check on BCSS that complete radiology minimum dataset in place for all BCSP patients
22Change data recording for pathology turnaround times to start from date of receipt in laboratory83 monthsStandardRevised SOP and spreadsheet
23Ensure all high grade and polyp cancers identified within the BCSP are double reported in accordance with Royal College of Pathology/BCSP dataset83 monthsStandardWritten confirmation from lead pathologist to SQAS
24Action plan to be put in place to allow attendance at the Ipswich MDT by BCSP team with accompanying SOP for handover of care203 monthsHighCopy of action plan and SOP

Next steps

The screening service is responsible for developing an action plan in collaboration with the commissioners to complete the recommendations contained within this report.

SQAS will work with commissioners to monitor activity and progress of the recommendations for 12 months after the report is published. After this point SQAS will send a letter to the provider and commissioners summarising progress made and will outline any further action(s) needed.

Appendix A: References

  1. Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System (ICS) Five Year System Strategic Plan 2019/2024 CAN DO 5 Year Strategy Plan (
  2. Bowel cancer screening accreditation Bowel cancer screening accreditation
  3. Bowel cancer screening programme: guidelines for CTC imaging Bowel cancer screening imaging use
  4. Bowel cancer screening programme: standards Bowel cancer screening programme standards
  5. Bowel cancer screening: guidelines for colonoscopy Bowel cancer screening colonoscopy quality assurance
  6. Bowel cancer screening: helping people with learning disabilities Bowel cancer screening helping people with learning disabilities
  7. Bowel cancer screening: managing incidents Bowel cancer screening managing incidents
  8. Bowel cancer screening: pathology guidance on reporting lesions Bowel cancer screening reporting lesions
  9. Bowel cancer screening: programme overview Bowel cancer screening programme overview
  10. Bowel cancer screening: programme specific operating model Bowel cancer screening programme specific operating model
  11. Bowel cancer screening: specialist screening practitioner Bowel cancer screening specialist screening practitioner
  12. Cancer screening: informed consent Cancer screening informed consent
  13. Joint advisory group on GI Endoscopy The JAG
  14. Managing Safety Incidents in NHS Screening Programmes Managing safety incidents in NHS screening programmes
  15. NHS BCSP Quality Assurance arrangements for the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme, Draft version 2.1 (December 2010)
  16. NHS England Serious Incident Framework – Supporting learning to prevent recurrence (March 2015) Serious incident framework
  17. NHS population screening: pathway requirements specifications Bowel cancer screening pathway requirements specifications
  18. PHE Screening inequalities strategy PHE Screening inequalities strategy
  19. health profiles Public health profiles
  20. Section 7a screening service schedules no 26 BCSP Schedules 2022-23 – NHS Public Health Commissioning & Operations – Future NHS Collaboration Platform
  21. BSG update in patients on antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy, including direct oral anticoagulants: BSG and ESGE guidance update 2021 Update: Endoscopy in patients on antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy, including direct oral anticoagulants: BSG & ESGE Guidelines Update – The British Society of Gastroenterology
  22. List of recommendations from the BSG/ACPGBI/PHE Post polypectomy and post-colorectal cancer resection surveillance guidelines List of recommendations from the BSG/ACPGBI/PHE Postpolypectomy and post-colorectal cancer resection surveillance guidelines – The British Society of Gastroenterology