Classification: Official
Publication reference: PRN00117
Integrated care systems and provider collaboratives should ensure that panel members are recruited through a robust process that includes shortlisting and interviewing against a set of core competencies
Clinical experts should be able to provide evidence of qualification and a current registration with their relevant professional body.
Individuals should be subject to usual pre-employment checks as per the local human resources policy for any roles that include working with vulnerable adults and/or children and young people.
Panel members will be required to undertake mandatory training prior to commencing their role and should be offered additional skills training modules as identified as part of their induction process. Shadowing an experienced Care (Education) and Treatment Review (C(E)TR) panel (subject to consent of the person and their family) should also be considered as part of the induction to ensure a greater understanding of the expectations of the role.
Training requirements
Health Education England is working with partner agencies to develop a suite of C(E)TR training modules. These will include core, mandatory and skills modules that will be available to all panel members at no cost to local systems. For existing panel members, they will be expected to undertake the mandatory modules within six months of the release date of the training. New panel members will be expected to undertake the mandatory training prior to commencing their role.
Conflicts of interest
Due to the independent nature of the expert by experience and the clinical expert, conflicts of interest are an important consideration in the C(E)TR process. Panel members are responsible for declaring any potential conflicts of interest as soon as they become aware of them. They should do so by raising any potential conflict with the commissioner immediately so that it can be discussed and, where required, an alternative panel member sought as soon as possible.
Examples of conflicts are:
- previously having worked with the person in a clinical capacity
- previously having worked for the provider
- having been an inpatient at the hospital
- having a family member who has been or is an inpatient at the hospital
- having a family member who has been or is under the clinical care of a member of the multidisciplinary team.
Ongoing support and supervision
Local areas should ensure that panel members are offered regular supervision and support, in addition to the debrief process. This could be in the form of a monthly peer support group or on a one-to-one basis. For subcontracting arrangements, this can be undertaken by the employing organisation.
Reasonable adjustments
It is essential that panel members are asked about any reasonable adjustments they require prior to undertaking the review. This is particularly important for the expert by experience role where panel members may be autistic or have a learning disability. Their sensory and communication needs will be an important consideration when undertaking the review and they (or their supporter) should be given the opportunity to share this information in advance. Adjustments may need to be made with the sharing and allowed reading time of any documentation as well as considering whether some of the review may be better undertaken using a hybrid model (part face to face and part through online platforms).
Payment for panel members is made in several different ways:
- For reviews commissioned by NHS England or provider collaboratives, experts are required to be ‘employed’ for tax purposes.
- For reviews commissioned by integrated care systems, experts are required to invoice for payment and are responsible for their own tax arrangements.
- In some areas, third-sector organisations have a ‘subcontracting arrangement’ for experts by experience.
The suggested minimum rates of pay have been increased as shown below.
Role |
Suggested new minimum rate of pay |
Expert by experience |
£250 per review (previously £150) |
Clinical expert |
£350 per review (previously £300) |
These rates should not be viewed as a ‘day rate’. They are for the whole review, including any advance reading requirements and panel follow-up actions. For experts by experience they reflect the NHS England policy for working with patient and public voice partners.
The role of the expert by experience and clinical expert should be equally valued for the different skills and experience they bring to the panel.
It is recognised that the clinical expert will be professionally accountable for their role within the C(E)TR in accordance with the requirements of the professional body that they hold active registration with.
Expenses are also claimed in several ways.
- Experts who are employed should contact their recruiting manager to clarify the process for claiming expenses from the employing organisation.
- Other panel members who invoice for payments should contact the commissioner to confirm what they can claim expenses for and the agreed amount (such as for mileage).