Experience of Care Week 2024
Experience of Care Week is an international initiative, which runs from 29th April to 3rd May 2024, to celebrate the work that is happening across health, social and the VCSE sector to keep improving experiences of care for patients, families, carers and staff. This year the theme for the week is ‘I am Experience of Care’, recognising the impact of health professionals in every role and across every section of the NHS.
Across the week we’ll be showcasing some of the amazing work happening across the North East & Yorkshire to improve patient experiences. Follow us on Twitter/X and search #IAmExperienceOfCare to get involved.
During the week, national NHS England colleagues will be hosting a programme of national online events showcasing areas of best practice and recognising staff making changes for the better. NHS staff can book onto those sessions here.
Below are just some examples of the amazing work happening across our region.
West Yorkshire Carers Hospital Discharge Toolkit
Earlier this year, West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board launched the West Yorkshire Carers Hospital Discharge Toolkit. The resources support NHS trusts to carry out their statutory duty to involve unpaid carers in discharge pathways and to improve unpaid carers’ experiences of discharge through increased identification, support, signposting, and referral.
This toolkit and accompanying resources provide practical guidance for implementing the hospital discharge and community support guidance, information for Integrated Care Systems on virtual wards and the recently released statutory guidance for Discharge from mental health inpatient settings when it comes to supporting unpaid carers, and sit within the wider context of a ‘carer friendly hospital’ approach.
Barnsley Hospital ‘Care Partner’ Initiative
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (BHNFT) recently launched a really important initiative to ensure loved ones can be involved in care delivery where appropriate. The Care Partners Policy and Charter aims to support people who would like to be involved in the care of their relative or friend during their time in hospital, who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem, addiction or where they need any physical or emotional support. With knowledge, understanding and honest communication, staff and carers can work in partnership as Care Partners to improve the hospital experience for patients, carers, and staff.
Further information about the Care Partners Policy is available: Patient Experience and Engagement | Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Wakefield District Health & Care Partnership Experience of Care Network
The Experience of Care Network includes representatives from the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, acute and mental health trusts, public health and social care, Healthwatch Wakefield, as well as the likes of Wakefield College, Nova, local hospices and Young Lives Consortium. They meet regularly to share and analyse patient feedback – identifying top themes and developing plans to improve people’s experience of services. This ensures the voice of patients is integral to the way services operate and that joined-up care can be delivered through joined-up listening.
The Network won the ‘Strengthening the Foundation’ award at the Patient Experience Network National Awards (PENNA) last year which you can read about on our website: Wakefield District Health & Care Partnership Experience of Care Network wins national award – Wakefield District Health & Care Partnership (wakefielddistricthcp.co.uk).
Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships (MNVP)
There are 24 Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships across the North East and Yorkshire, all dedicated to improving the birth and neonatal experience for everyone. We invite anyone who is pregnant, given birth or been a birth partner to join the maternity and neonatal voices partnership, to share their experiences and shape the future of perinatal care.
‘Maternity and neonatal voices partnerships work with care providers, creating a place to listen, hear and act upon the voices of local families and communities to improve maternity and neonatal care for everyone’ – Sarah Wall, Maternity Service User Voice Lead, NHS England
Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships have co- produced and implemented many improvement initiatives aiming to improve the experience of care across the region.