Health and wellbeing stakeholder forum
Greater Manchester Children’s and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Forum
Wednesday 8th February 2023
Health inequalities are increasing for children and young people, and this can have a lasting impact on their whole life.
The Core20PLUS5 framework, an approach to addressing health inequalities, was the topic at our Stakeholder Forum in February 2023.
Over 130 colleagues heard about inequalities that children and young people experience in access to health care and poorer outcomes, with respect to asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, oral and mental health
We considered how we can address health inequalities, for example by ‘poverty proofing’ pathways.
Following the event, the GM population health team in conjunction with the GM Business Intelligence team has used the report from the data workshop to inform the development of a health inequalities data dashboard.
Please click here to read the full write up from the event.