About NHS North West

NHS North West is one of seven regional teams across the country working to ensure that people across our region have access to high quality health and care services.

We support the commissioning and delivery of high-quality services and directly commission primary care and specialised services across Cheshire and Merseyside, Greater Manchester, and Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Our work involves supporting NHS trusts and integrated care boards (ICBs) in the area to ensure that together we provide excellent services that meet the needs of patients.

The members of the North West Regional Management Team are:

  • Dr Michael Gregory, Interim Regional Director
  • Dr Linda Charles-Ozuzu, Regional Director of Commissioning
  • James McLean and Jackie Hanson, Joint Regional Chief Nurse
  • Andrew Crawshaw, Regional Chief Operating Officer
  • Chris Cutts, Regional Director of Workforce, Training and Education
  • Clare Duggan, Regional Director of Strategy and Transformation
  • Andrew Furber, Regional Director of OHID / Regional Director of Public Health
  • Dr Michael Gregory, Regional Medical Director
  • Nikhil Khashu, Regional Director of Finance
  • Robin Scott, Regional Head of Communications

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