Diabetes transition strategy

The NHS in Greater Manchester is working on a 3-year plan to ensure that all young people living with diabetes have the best possible experience when transitioning (moving) between children to adult diabetes services.

The transfer from children to adult services usually happens when someone is aged 18 onwards. We know that this can be a daunting and difficult time.

Why do we need your feedback?

We are sharing our ideas with you to get your feedback on the proposed plan, specifically around the main objectives. We want to make sure that it covers all the important things it needs to. We would like your feedback if you are a young person:

  • who is currently transitioning from children to adult diabetes services.
  • who is preparing to transition to adult diabetes services soon.
  • who has already transitioned from children to adult diabetes services.

Our draft objectives

  1. Ensure every young person with diabetes who can participate in decision-making be involved in discussions and make informed decisions about their diabetes care.
  2. There will be a designated Diabetes Transition Team with appropriate infrastructure and key professionals identified to support the transfer of every young person from children to adult diabetes services.
  3. All staff involved in diabetes transition and transfer of care will have training and support to enable them to care for young people and manage transition of care effectively.
  4. Every young person transferring across to the adult diabetes team will have a diabetes transition programme and documented transition plan to ensure relevant professionals have access to essential information about the young person’s transition journey and needs.
  5. Every young person with diabetes who are at higher risk of disengagement and complications to be identified during transition and following transfer to adult care.
  6. The organisation will work closely with primary care colleagues; Integrated Care System, voluntary sector organisations, schools and colleges, local networks, other health and social care providers, Integrated Care Board and Greater Manchester Local Care Organisations, offender’s team to ensure the Diabetes Transition process is inclusive and efficient.

Click here to download a more detailed copy of our draft objectives.

These objectives are draft and may change depending on the feedback received.

Get involved

Once you have read the objectives, we would like your feedback. We have set up some questions online and you can click here to complete them.

If you would prefer to speak to someone instead, please email sarka.grayson@nhs.net and she will arrange to speak with you.