
A close up of blood cells

Sepsis is a common and potentially life-threatening condition.

We are working to achieve more consistent early identification and treatment of sepsis to improve survival and reduce long term disability for patients.

Our work on sepsis

NHS England is working to improve the identification, diagnosis and management of sepsis.

Useful tools and key resources

Tools and resources aimed at commissioners, clinicians and healthcare professionals that will help support the knowledge and understanding of sepsis.


The National Early Warning System is a track-and-trigger score that is used to identify and respond to patients at risk of deteriorating.

National Early Warning Score (NEWS2)

NHS England and NHS Improvement have endorsed a single early warning score – the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) – for use in acute and ambulance settings.

Since its initial launch in 2012, NEWS has seen widespread uptake across the NHS. At present around 70% of acute trusts in England are using it, with other Early Warning Scores in place in other areas.

Through standardisation of NEWS we can reduce the number of patients whose conditions deteriorate whilst in hospital, and potentially save over 1800 lives a year.

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The NHS has saved hundreds of people from sepsis thanks to better use of digital technology in hospitals. In a major nationwide push to tackle the condition, including a one hour identification and treatment ambition, new ‘alert and action’ technology is being introduced which uses algorithms to read patients’ vital signs and alert medics to […]