This document contains the draft NHS Payment Scheme, as it would look were the proposals implemented.
This document contains an impact assessment of our proposals for the NHS Payment Scheme.
This workbook contains the proposed 2023-24 NHSPS unit and guide prices and related information. There is no separate guide prices workbook. The workbook would be updated and reissued for 2024/25.
This document contains information on currencies for individual services, including some currencies with unit prices, guide prices and without NHSPS prices.
This document describes best practice tariffs (BPTs) and gives detailed guidance on the implementation and eligibility criteria for each BPT.
This document covers the calculation of cost uplift and efficiency factors, and prices, for 2023/24. It also describes the approach to update them for 2024/25. The annex would be updated and reissued for 2024/25.
This anenx sets out the details of the process for responding to the consultation and the statutory objection process.
This document provides further guidance on payment mechanisms that would be used by NHS providers (trusts and foundation trusts) – aligned payment and incentive (API) and low volume activity (LVA) block payments.
A Word version of the consultation survey. This can be used to develop responses to the consultation. However, all responses must be submitted via the online survey.