Annual Reporting Participation Guide for CCGs and NHS England staff

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This guide helps to ensure that ensure that annual reports meet the needs of patients and the public, CCGs, NHS England staff and relevant stakeholders. Building on existing best practice in reporting, it has been co-produced with representatives from CCGs, local Healthwatch, and local and national voluntary sector organisations.



The NHS Constitution and the Five Year Forward View, set out a clear message that the NHS should put patients and the public at the heart of everything it does. The NHS must be more responsive to the needs and wishes of the public, all of whom will use its services at some point in their lives. We need to ensure that public, patient and carer voices are at the centre of our healthcare services, from planning to delivery, to how involvement is reported and communicated.

This guide is intended for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) and NHS England. It supports NHS England’s Annual Reporting Guidance, Transforming Participation in health and care guidance and the Department of Health Manual of accounts.