These templates, updated in May 2023, are to be used in conjunction with the Dynamic support register and Care (Education) and Treatment Review policy (section 16.5 – how the review is conducted).
Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews (C[E]TR) are person-centred, independent, multi-professional reviews which take place when a person with a learning disability or an autistic person is at risk of being admitted into a mental health hospital or is already in such a hospital.
We now have four templates to support the person-centred review. Using the templates will ensure consistent recording of findings and generate recommendations and actions that can be shared with the person. Each template has an easy read version designed to support the person receiving the review. The review should be carried out in a collaboration with the person and their family to explore solutions to care and treatment issues that avoid admission or unblock barriers to discharge.
These templates are designed to be used on NHS computers and therefore may not be compatible with other software. Please contact your local lead if you require access to an NHS laptop or if you require an adapted version due to reasonable adjustments.