Case study: Partnership working in Bradford District and Craven helps communities with the cost-of-living crisis

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In Bradford, the council, health and voluntary and community sector partners have come together to support residents with the cost-of-living crisis. Together they are running a number of activities to support residents and colleagues. Work includes community outreach, webinars and meetings for frontline professionals and a targeted cost of living campaign aimed at local people.

One in five households in Bradford are in food poverty and are fuel poor. Crucially around a quarter of million residents live in the top 20% of deprived wards in England. Also, 2 in 5 children are living below the poverty line which has risen by 2% in 2019-20 and 10% in past 8 years.

The ‘cost of living campaign’ offers residents help and information about government support; energy and bills; food resources; housing support; debt and gambling; savings; scams and safeguarding; volunteering; and mental wellbeing. It is well known that these wider issues directly impact health outcomes for people, and ICSs are uniquely placed to tackle these locally, actively preventing ill health and improving the quality of people’s lives.
