The Local Mental Health Services Data Set (LMHSDS) specification is one of the products of the Data Services for Commissioners (DSfC) programme which is a joint venture between NHS England and NHS Digital. The programme’s primary objective is to improve commissioning decisions, and the insight that supports them, by optimising the flow of robust, conformed data that has been processed efficiently and is accessed legally. Part of this process will involve providing a library of best practice specifications, including the LMHSDS.
The Local Community Services Data Set (LCSDS) specification is one of the products of the Data Services for Commissioners (DSfC) programme which is a joint venture between NHS England and NHS Digital. The programme’s primary objective is to improve commissioning decisions, and the insight that supports them, by optimising the flow of robust, conformed data that has been processed efficiently and is accessed legally. Part of this process will involve providing a library of best practice specifications, including the LCSDS.
This Emergency Ambulance specification is one of the products of the Data Services for Commissioners (DSfC) programme which is a joint venture between NHS England and NHS Digital. The programme’s primary objective is to improve commissioning decisions, and the insight that supports them, by optimising the flow of robust, conformed data that has been processed efficiently and is accessed legally. Part of this process will involve providing a library of best practice specifications.