The FFT collection overview gives users a summary of patient FFT results across all care settings, including total organisations submitting, total responses, overall response rates where applicable and the percentage of respondents who would or would not recommend their service to friends or family.
The A&E FFT dataset includes FFT responses for the latest month from all types of A&E departments including walk-in centres.
The Ambulance FFT dataset includes FFT responses for the latest month from providers of NHS funded ambulance and patient transport services. Data is submitted monthly by providers via the Strategic Data Collection Service (SCDS) data collection system and is available down to service provider level.
The Community Health FFT dataset includes FFT responses for the latest month from providers of NHS funded community health services. Data is submitted monthly by providers via Strategic Data Collection Service (SCDS) data collection system and is available down to service category level.
The Post Covid FFT dataset includes FFT responses for the latest month from providers of NHS funded post-Covid assessment clinic services. Data is submitted monthly by providers via the Strategic Data Collection Service (SCDS) data collection system and is available down to organisation level. In addition to the standard FFT question, two further questions are included which ask about involvement in decision making and dignity and respect.
The Dental FFT dataset includes FFT responses for the latest month from providers of NHS funded dental services. Data is submitted directly to the Business Service Authority each month.
The GP FFT dataset includes FFT responses for the latest month from GP practices. Data is submitted directly to NHS Digital’s Calculating Quality Reporting System (CQRS) each month.
The Inpatient FFT dataset includes FFT responses for the latest month from NHS funded acute inpatient services. Data is submitted monthly by providers via the Strategic Data Collection Service (SCDS) data collection system and is available down to ward level.
The Maternity FFT dataset includes FFT responses for the latest month from NHS funded maternity services. Responses to the maternity FFT are captured at four points: antenatal care, birth, postnatal ward and postnatal community. Data is submitted monthly by providers via the Strategic Data Collection Service (SCDS) data collection system and is available down to site level.
The Mental Health FFT dataset includes FFT responses for the latest month from providers of NHS funded mental health services. Data is submitted monthly by providers via the Strategic Data Collection Service (SCDS) data collection system and is available down to service category level.
The Outpatient FFT dataset includes FFT responses for the latest month from providers of NHS funded outpatient services. Data is submitted monthly by providers via the Strategic Data Collection Service (SCDS) data collection system and is available down to organisation level.
The Dental Submission Checker shows all submissions for the current month alongside data for those practices for previous months, allowing commissioners and practices to quickly review the quality of the data submitted. In particular, the Submission Checker highlights where no data has been submitted for the previous 3 months, where the breakdown of responses is the same for the previous 3 months, and where a practice has submitted zero responses for the previous 3 months.
The GP Submission Checker shows all submissions for the current month alongside data for those practices for previous months, allowing commissioners and practices to quickly review the quality of the data submitted. In particular, the Submission Checker highlights where no data has been submitted for the previous 3 months, where the breakdown of responses is the same for the previous 3 months, and where a practice has submitted zero responses for the previous 3 months.