General Practice Forward View (GPFV)

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The General Practice Forward View (GPFV), published in April 2016, commits to an extra £2.4 billion a year to support general practice services by 2020/21.

It will improve patient care and access, and invest in new ways of providing primary care.


NHS England is investing £500 million in a national sustainability and transformation package to support GP practices, which includes additional funds from local clinical commissioning groups (CCGs).

It includes help for struggling practices, plans to reduce workload, expansion of a wider workforce, investment in technology and estates and a national development programme to speed up transformation of services. We  are committing to an increase in investment to support general practice over the next five years.

The plan was developed with the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and Health Education England (HEE) and contains over 80 specific, practical and funded steps to:

  • channel investment
  • grow and develop the workforce
  • streamline the workload
  • improve infrastructure
  • and support practices to redesign their services to patients.