GP Contract 2019/20: NHS England Enhanced Service Specifications

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These enhanced service specifications outlines more specialised services and those additional services provided by all General Medical Services (GMS) practices.


Service specification for shingles (catch-up) vaccination programme 2019/20.


Service specification for pertussis (pregnant women) vaccination programme 2019/20.


This enhanced specification is directed at GP practices delivering vaccination and immunisation services in England.The aim of this enhanced specification is to support commissioners in establishing a meningococcal freshers vaccin tion service with GP practices in order to prevent cases of the disease and deaths in freshers attending university for the first time.


Service specification for childhood seasonal influenza vaccination programme 2019/20.


All GP practices are expected to provide essential and those additional services they are contracted to provide to all their patients. This enhanced service (ES) specification outlines more specialised services to be provided.