NHS England business continuity management toolkit
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Accessible version of version 2.
Published 20 April 2023.
NHS England business continuity management toolkit: part 1 – plan
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Part 1 of the supporting documentation refers to the ‘Plan’ aspect of the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle. Here is where an organisation establishes the Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) by developing a policy, as well as using documentation and templates. This section also allows organisations to embed Business Continuity into their culture.
NHS England business continuity management toolkit: part 2 – do
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Part 2 of the cycle is attributed to ‘Do’ element of the PDCA cycle. This section defines business continuity requirements, determines how to address them and develop procedures to manage a disruptive incident. Once your BCMS is designed, it is necessary to implement it successfully. In order to do this, NHS organisations should understand their role and how to complete documentation that is required for the BCMS to be effective.
NHS England business continuity management toolkit: part 3 – check
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Part 3 focusses on the ‘Check’ aspect of the PDCA cycle. This part of the cycle summarises the requirements necessary to measure business continuity management performance for an organisation. It also links to the BCMS compliance and seeks feedback from top management regarding expectations, gaps and inconsistencies.
NHS England business continuity management toolkit: part 4 – act
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Part 4 of the PDCA cycle refers to ‘Act’. It identifies and acts on BCMS non-conformance through corrective action. The review of your system also allows the potential to make changes based on updated guidance and changes to the organisation.