Optimising blood testing in primary and secondary care

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These documents include both guidance that is specific to the acute shortage situation as well as best practice guidance that is generally applicable day-to-day. These are separately signposted within the documents.

Please note that these documents will be updated in response to developments. Please always ensure that you are referring to the current version. We advise not relying on locally saved or printed/hard copy versions, which may be out of date. It may also be supplemented by additional guidance.

The guidance contained in these documents was developed by an expert Clinical Reference Group (CRG), comprising clinicians from primary care, secondary care, specialty and pathology backgrounds, clinical scientists, representatives of relevant professional bodies and system stakeholders. In addition, consultation responses and comments were received from relevant NHS England and NHS Improvement stakeholders, system stakeholders and professional bodies.

We would like to thank all the individuals and bodies that have contributed their time and expertise to support the production of this guidance.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this guidance, or would like to provide feedback, please let us know by contacting: england.covid-clinical@nhs.net.