Report of the Review of the Quality and Outcomes Framework in England

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This report presents the findings of the Review of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) for general practice and supports wider discussion about how to reform the QOF, which will inform negotiations between NHS England and the British Medical Association.


A review of the QOF was agreed with the General Practitioners Committee of the BMA as part of the 2017/18 contract negotiations, and was also a commitment within the Next Steps on the 5 Year Forward View. This report presents the findings of that review, with the aim of stimulating discussion about how the QOF can be developed to support good quality care into the future.

It reflects extensive contributions of an Advisory Group of senior stakeholders and has also drawn widely on expertise in the field, particularly that of members of our Technical Working Group, and a series of reference groups with patients, practice staff and commissioners.

The Review concludes that there are aspects of QOF which are both valued and valuable, but there is a need to refresh the scheme to support a wider view of high quality care and to align better with professional values. It then sets out potential changes that could facilitate such a refresh.

Comments on this report may be submitted before 31 August 2018.
