Safe and wellbeing reviews: thematic review and lessons learned

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As part of the NHS response to the safeguarding adults review concerning the deaths of Joanna, Jon and Ben at Cawston Park, a national review has been undertaken to check the safety and wellbeing of all people with a learning disability and autistic people who are being cared for in a mental health inpatient setting.

This document sets out the themes emerging from the review findings. These findings have helped informed the work of NHS England’s Quality Transformation Programme and the Dynamic support register and Care (Education) and Treatment Review policy and guidance.

Safe and wellbeing reviews: thematic review and lessons learned



Accessible version. Published 21 February 2023.


PDF version. Published 21 February 2023.

Safe and wellbeing reviews: thematic review and lessons learned - easy read version


Easy read version. Published 21 February 2023.