NHS Oversight

NHS Oversight Framework

This framework outlines NHS England's approach to NHS oversight of NHS trusts, foundation trusts and integrated care boards and is aligned with the ambitions set out in the NHS Long Term Plan and the 2022/23 NHS operational planning and contracting guidance.

NHS Oversight Framework segmentation

This outlines the System oversight framework segmentation process for NHS organisations and systems, including current segmentation decisions for all integrated care systems and NHS trusts (including foundation trusts).

System Directory

An overview of each integrated care system, NHS trust and foundation trust, by region, with details of segmentation, regulatory action, corporate publications and contact details.

Recovery Support Programme

The Recovery Support Programme (RSP) is a nationally-led programme of support to systems and organisations in segment 4 of the System oversight framework and which need the highest level of mandated support. It replaces the programmes of special measures for trusts and CCGs.

Legacy CCG Oversight

Contains details of CCG annual assessments and data updates from previous years; information on legal directions; previous oversight and assessment frameworks.