Compassion in Practice implementation plans
Compassion in Practice is our joint strategy to help us to transform the care we provide, in all care and support settings, throughout England every day and for everyone.
The implementation plans are a living, integral part of the strategy. We must ensure that we are responsive to the changing needs of the people we care for and support. During the next three years, we have made a commitment to review and refresh these plans on a quarterly basis, update the timescales and report on what has been achieved.
A full equality and diversity impact assessment will be completed for each piece of work outlined within the six areas of action.
All the plans have relevance to health and social care and during the implementation we will work across action areas 1 – 6 to recognise the impact they have across the whole system.
The senior responsible officer for Action Area 6 has yet to be appointed and we will inform you once they are in place.
NHS England and the National Federation of Nurse Leaders will oversee the delivery of these plans with DH leading on Action Area 1. All members will report on the progress of these plans to their organisational board. The National Federation of Nurse Leaders are committed to championing and supporting the values, behaviours and work that underpins the Compassion in Practice strategy.
National bodies and regulators such as the Department of Health, Public Health England, Health Education England, the Care Quality Commission, the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the National Trust Development Agency, NHS Employers and Monitor also lead on a range of initiatives. The initiatives detailed in these plans are supported by key stakeholders such as Unison, the Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of Midwives.
Please read each of the implementation plans and discuss these with your boards, governing bodies, teams and in your work with patients and people using your services, to understand and identify how you can contribute towards the delivery of Compassion in Practice and the 6Cs.
Care is our business and together we will further develop our culture of compassionate care. We would welcome comments and feedback on these plans. Please send comments to
Members of the National Federation of Nurse Leaders:
- Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer, NHS England – Chair
- Viv Bennett, Director of Nursing, Department of Health & Public Health England Vice- Chair
- Peter Blythin, Director of Nursing, NHS Trust Development Authority
- Lisa Bayliss-Pratt, Director of Nursing, Health Education England
- Liz Redfern, Chief Nurse, South of England, NHS England
- Juliet Beal, Director of Nursing, Quality Improvement and Care, NHS England
- Hilary Garratt, Director of Nursing, Commissioning and Health Improvement, NHS England
- Caroline Alexander, Chief Nurse London, NHS England
- Gill Harris, Chief Nurse, North of England, NHS England
- Ruth May, Chief Nurse, Midlands & East, NHS England
- David Foster, Deputy Director of Nursing, Department of Health
For more information visit our Compassion in Practice section.
Compassion in Practice: Action areas
- Action area 1: helping people to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes
- Action area 2: working with people to provide a positive experience of care
- Action area 3: delivering high quality care and measuring impact
- Action area 4: building and strengthening leadership
- Action area 5: ensuring we have the right staff, with the right skills, in the right place
- Action area 6: supporting Positive Staff Experience