Commissioning for Value – a comprehensive data pack to support CCGs
NHS England is committed to giving CCGs practical support in gathering data, evidence and tools to help them transform the way care is delivered for their patients and populations.
Working with Public Health England and NHS Right Care, NHS England has provided every CCG with a comprehensive data pack to support effective ‘commissioning for value’.
The packs are the first products CCGs will receive as part of the new planning round for commissioners and fit directly with NHS England’s ‘call to action’ – planning to make the NHS sustainable into the future – and clearly show CCGs ‘where to look’ as a first stage to identify real opportunities to improve outcomes and increase value for local populations. The localised information will support discussions about prioritising areas for change, utilising resources and will help local leaders make improvements in healthcare quality, outcomes and efficiency.
Of particular interest to CCG clinical and management leads with responsibility for finance, performance, improvement and health outcomes; to area team leads and to CSU teams supporting CCGs in this work, the information comes with a range of free support:
- Free support-surgery events in London (12 Nov 2013) or Manchester (13 Nov 2013) to find out more about the process, hear from early adopters who can demonstrate real results, and get face to face support in surgeries where data can be discussed on an individual CCG basis. A registration form is available at the web address below.
- The NHS Right Care website also offers resources to support CCGs and stakeholders:
- online videos and ‘how to’ guides
- theme-based webinars
- casebooks with learning from previous pilots
- tried and tested process templates to support taking the approach forward
- advice on how to produce level 2 packs locally, within the CCG or working with local intelligence services
- access to a Practitioner Network
You can find out a lot more, download promotional literature, FAQs and case studies, and book onto one of the events on the RightCare webpages