
Future of Health Conference debates key themes of Five Year Forward View

The Future of Health Conference 2014 is set to continue the debate started by the NHS Five Year Forward View published last month.

Patients, healthcare professionals and the public will be given an opportunity to have their say on what the future of health care should look like.

There will be a people’s panel, made up of people currently living with long term conditions, who will engage with and challenge the keynote speakers including NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens.

There will also be a question and answer session with the audience, giving everyone a chance to feedback on what is being presented.

Dr Martin McShane, NHS England’s Director for Patients with Long Term Conditions said: “The NHS belongs to all of us and shaping the future together must be the right way to secure sustainable, high quality care.”

Designed in partnership with people with lived experience of long term conditions, the Future of Health Conference, to be held in London on 21st November, will tackle four major themes set out in the Five Year Forward View:

  • Personalisation and Empowerment – What are the barriers and enablers for people participating fully in their care to achieve their best outcomes?
  • Innovation, Technology and Enablement – What is the role for developments in digital health in improving the quality of life for people with long term conditions?
  • Equality and Parity in practice – What are the enablers and barriers for participation by people with mental health problems, learning disabilities, dementia, and other conditions and inequalities, which can put them at disadvantage in the healthcare system?
  • Creating value – Think like a patient, act like a taxpayer – What are the system and financial levers enabling national and local organisations to co-design services which produce the best outcomes?

The Five Year Forward View was the collaborative work of NHS England, the partner organisations that deliver and oversee health and care services, patient groups, clinicians, the voluntary sector and think tanks.

All provided their input into how the health service needs to change over the next five years if it is to close the widening gaps in the health of the population, quality of care and the funding of services.

The conversation has been started but it needs your help to continue. It is critical that we hear the voices of all those with a stake in the future of our NHS.


  1. CLS says:

    Very familiar themes here to those working in Commissioning Care for those with Long Term Conditions, from some years ago. How are you ensuring you are learning from the work done then and building on it?

  2. Professor Graham Lister says:

    Thank you for setting a case for the evolution of the NHS unhindered by top down tinkering. There is much to be done to achieve a fully engaged future for health and well being some small suggestions include:
    To improve self care and joined up care Lord Michael Young (who wrote the 1946 Labour Party Manifesto stating the case for the NHS) – from his last stay in hospital – suggested recording discharge interviews so patients and carers could refer to them. Discharge interviews contain lots of helpful advice and are costly but much of the value is lost as older patients are often confused and forgetful. There are many low cost ways of providing personalized access to such recordings which could also be linked to standard care messages for conditions.
    A recent study undertaken by LSBU found that GPs in training were given good grounding in continuity of care (or joined up care) but often after leaving the training practice they went through a period they described as the “wilderness years” as locums. During this time they often had no system for joined up care. The role of Deaneries could be expanded to monitor encourage and support early year GPs and joined up care.
    It would also be helpful to identify “Pioneer GP Practices” or some such title to give recognition and support to practices that develop best practice in joined up high quality care.
    To develop further opportunities for health engagement the role of Health Trainers could be expanded to build on the growing number of “Health Champions” to support healthy living in communities and schools.

  3. Josef K Kafka says:

    Gr8 – what a surprise this conference is in London and the start and finish times are such that ordinary members of the public can’t afford to attend. For example – I live in the Yorkshire and the Humber region.
    Poor show chaps, poor show.