The NHS Benchmarking Network is organising the 2016 National Audit for Intermediate Care
This is an annual data collection, now in its fifth year. The purpose of the audit is to improve intermediate care services for older people by providing benchmarked information on service models, spend, activity, workforce and, importantly, outcomes. It has been highly successful in previous years and CCGs and providers of intermediate care services are encouraged to take part.
For more information, please refer to the supporting letter from Professor John Young, NHS England’s National Clinical Director for Integration and Frail Elderly.
As I have witnessed instututional,systemic,psychogical and finacial abuse of NHS patients by supposed professional abusers I think it might be a good idea to benchmark various forms of abuse that way others might see what the long term scenarios are of this and discover how to recognise this from fully qqualified professional people who say such as quote keep quiet as we do not want to highlight abuse and also you know what the other staff are like,meaning we are all part of a feam.
If you paid more attention to the group with Mental Illness under 50 the outcome, and quality of their lives and that of their Carers could be greatly improved, little point in reaching the qualifying OLD age NUMBER, and finding they are too far gone, and Carers are done it.