
NHS England balanced its 2015/16 £102 billion budget and met key performance goals

NHS England’s Annual Report and Accounts, laid before Parliament today, show that the organisation met each of the financial duties placed on it by Parliament in 2015/16, including once again balancing its budget of just over £100 billion. NHS England also contributed a £599 million managed underspend to help offset overspends elsewhere.

Commenting on NHS England’s Annual Report, Chairman Professor Sir Malcolm Grant said: “NHS England is an independent organisation established by Parliament at arm’s length from Government and charged with the stewardship of the NHS.”

“The NHS remains one of this country’s most cherished and trusted institutions, due in large measure to the sheer professionalism and commitment of clinicians, managers and other NHS staff.”

“Demand for services has continued to rise at a greater rate than funding, placing GPs and hospitals under huge pressure.”

“I am grateful to all our staff for their ongoing efforts and commitment.  The achievements outlined in this annual report are testament to their hard work.”

Paul Baumann, NHS England’s Chief Financial Officer, said: “Thanks to the efforts of commissioners across the country, NHS England met each of the financial duties placed on us by Parliament in 2015/16, including once again balancing our budget of just over £100 billion.”

“We are committed to playing our full part in the wider financial challenges facing the NHS. Although not legally responsible for ensuring financial balance across providers of NHS funded services, or for ensuring the Department of Health (DH) meets its overall Revenue and Capital Departmental Expenditure Limits, NHS England, throughout 2015/16, actively sought to maximise the contribution of the commissioning sector to the overall DH financial position.”

Commenting on NHS England’s performance on the mandate set for it by the Government, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt told Parliament: “NHS England continues to deliver high quality care as it progresses with implementing the vision set out in the Five Year Forward View delivering constancy of direction, consistency of leadership and effectiveness of delivery.”

“My annual assessment welcomes the good progress that NHS England has made against many of its objectives including managing the commissioning system.  Additionally it has continued to deliver the specialised services and primary care commissioning systems and improved the operation and management of the NHS.”