Posts by Anne Worrall-Davies
Anne Worrall-Davies has worked for 30 years in Children and Young People’s Mental Health as a Consultant Psychiatrist in community, early intervention in psychosis, inpatient and outreach settings. She joined NHS England’s Learning Disability and Autism Programme in 2021, and as Senior Psychiatrist Lead (Children and Young People) brought a clinical perspective and leadership to support the delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan priorities for autistic people and those with a learning disability.
She has six years’ experience of being a non-executive director in the not-for-profit and social housing sector, and currently sits on the board of Future Directions Community Interest Company. Anne continues to have an interest in innovative and person-centred ‘alternative to hospital’ models of delivering care at the specialist end of the pathway for autistic people and those with a learning disability. She also particularly enjoys working across the wider health, education and social care system.
She is passionate about co-production: being a parent to a young autistic adult with a learning disability and epilepsy helps ensure that she always keeps the voice of lived experience at the centre of her work.