Posts by David McNally
David McNally has been Head of Experience of Care with NHS England’s Patient Experience Team since 2013 and is a member of the Co-production Model Steering Group. He worked previously in an SHA, a PCT, Adult Social Care and the voluntary sector.
Last year he led a project to find out what impact patient leaders can have on improving experience of care and has been invited by the French National Authority for Health to talk about the project at a seminar in Paris in November with along with Steve Sharples who is a Patient Leader.
In April David co-designed and co-led a round table on Patient Leadership with patient leaders, the King’s Fund and the Leadership Academy and next year will be running a session on ‘Patients as partners in the business of improving experience’ at The Beryl Institute Patient Experience Conference in Denver with Mark Doughty from The King’s Fund.
He is a member of the Researcher-Led Panel, National Institute for Health Research, Health Services and Delivery Research programme and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester, Medical School.