Posts by Dr David Geddes

Dr David Geddes qualified at the Royal London Hospital (Whitechapel) in 1987.
Married to a nurse, he has three children, and lives in York where he is a GP partner in a small (5,200) practice working one day a week.
He has a special interest in mental health and got into ‘clinical management’ in fundholding days, then he was a PCG member. He was PEC member of Selby and York PCT, before becoming appointed initially as medical Director for Selby and York PCT, (2004-2007) then Medical Director and Director of Primary Care in North Yorkshire and York PCT (2007-2012)
He was appointed as head of Primary care Commissioning in the Operations department in November 2012.
He is a medical panellist for GMC Fitness to practice hearings, a non-executive of Medipex – a healthcare innovation hub, and a trustee for a number of mental health charities