Posts by Dr Hussain Al-Zubaidi

Movement, community and nutrition are three cornerstones of Dr Al-Zubaidi’s personal and professional life. He is a lifestyle medic and long-distance triathlete. He is the Royal College of General Practitioners lifestyle and physical activity lead as well as a Swim England clinical advisor. He runs a pioneering NHS based fitness club and lifestyle clinic helping to educate and support patients to eat better, move more and connect with their community. He heads up the social prescribing team at the Leamington Primary Care Network which assists people holistically to promote, protect and improve their health. A key passion is to use lifestyle to tackle health inequalities. Hussain volunteers at the mental health charity Run Talk Run as the West Midlands regional leader, where they use movement to help forge conversations and peers support. It is his strong belief that lifestyle can be a powerful tool in the fight against many conditions both physical and mental, while being a great way to socialize and stay connected with our community. He is a keen triathlete and UK Athletics leader in running fitness and tries to use his own personal journey of taking up physical activity from a previous sedentary lifestyle and improvement in his own nutrition and knowledge of food to promote its benefits for our wellbeing. He delivers numerous talks and lectures to various audiences both professional and public including a regular slot on Steph’s Packed Lunch on Channel 4.
Instagram: @irondoctorhaz | Twitter: @zubaidihussain | Linkedin: