Posts by Shahana Ramsden
Shahana Ramsden is Senior Co-Production Lead NHS England and the Coalition for Collaborative Care (C4CC).
Her 29-year career includes supporting co-production with people who use services and carers and leading equalities programmes. Prior to her role with NHS England and C4CC, Shahana worked as a Patient and Public Voice Manager for NHS England’s Patient Online programme.
Shahana has held roles at director and deputy director level across a number of national programmes including the Delivering Race Equality in Mental Health programme and NHS Employer’s Positively Diverse programme.
In the past 12 months, she has graduated from the NHS Leadership Academy’s Nye Bevan programme with a certificate in Executive Healthcare Leadership, has been recognised by the Health Service Journal as a BME pioneer and was highlighted as one of 100 virtual change activists for health and social care through NHS Improving Quality (The Edge).
Follow Shahana on Twitter @ShahanaRamsden