Posts by Sherree Fagge
Sherree Fagge RN, DMS, MBA is the Head of Nursing for End of Life Care, NHS England and Improvement. She began her nursing career as a Cadet Nurse and worked in a psychiatric hospital during placements. She trained at Cuckfield and Crawley School of Nursing.
Sherree held various nurse leadership roles throughout her career, including Ward Manager on a male surgical ward and then on a gynae ward. She was successful in obtaining directorate leadership roles in surgery and critical care and has also worked as a service manager in medicine and a general manager in orthopaedics.
Sherree has previously been responsible for inpatient access, so manging patient flow and admissions both elective and emergency, over three sites and 1040 beds.
She has also worked as Chief Nurse for a large teaching hospital in Sussex. This included the Executive lead for End of Life Care and ensuring patients and carers at the hospitals received the very best care during the last phase of their lives.
Sherree seconded to NHSI to lead EoLC in the nursing directorate and to support trusts to improve care in this area. She continues to work in this substantive role, working with partners across the system to make a difference to patients.
Sherree has now celebrated 45 years in the NHS and has continued to enjoy her nursing career throughout this time. She finds privilege in nursing and caring for people at times of vulnerability.