Posts by Viccie Nelson

Viccie Nelson, Programme Director, Sutton Homes of Care.
Originally from Australia, Viccie worked as a Physiotherapist before moving to the UK in 1996. She worked clinically as a physiotherapist predominantly in older people’s rehabilitation in acute and community settings, as well as developing expertise as a moving and handling adviser. She went on to manage clinical teams before working at a senior manager level within acute and community service organisations in London, moving across into commissioning as Assistant Director of Commissioning at Sutton and Merton PCT.
Following the birth of her second child, Viccie undertook a number of project roles within CCGs, Local Authorities and the Royal Marsden Hospital – Community Services Division. More recently, she worked for NHS England – London region on a pan-London programme to transform community services. She’s also been involved with the Healthy London Partnership.
As a local resident she is aware of the various challenges facing Sutton, and her clinical background ensures that she remains patient focused whilst working to meet national and local strategic challenges.