
Making children and young people visible at Expo

With so many competing demands on the NHS, ensuring children and young people are a visible group receiving the focus they deserve cannot be neglected by the system.

National leadership has a role in prioritising child health. Childhood isn’t deferrable and we all have a part to play in ensuring we provide a strong foundation for all.

They deserve a health system that focuses on prevention, early detection, evidence based intervention and high quality care delivered by a competent and compassionate workforce.

And it matters how we directly engage young people in their care and how they are involved in the design, delivery and commissioning of services.  It influences outcomes, experiences and has an economic impact.

Children and Young People are both current and future users of health care services for themselves and in their roles as parents, or carers, or peer supporters. The Health and Care Innovation Expo, therefore, provides an opportunity to bring them together with professionals to discuss issues that matter, to build relationships and find mutually beneficial solutions.

We hope you’ll join us for some of the exciting sessions we have planned:

  • Monday September 11, 11.00am: Innovate main stage: ‘Empowering the next generation: the role of young people in improving health and transforming care’: Hosted by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS England’s National Medical Director.

Many NHS organisations are now embracing ‘Youth Social Action’ and are increasing volunteering opportunities for young people so they are part of the intergenerational fabric of NHS organisations.  Young people are not purely ‘receivers of care’ but contributors to the NHS too.

This guide from Volunteering Matters assists organisations to open their doors to young people and the ‘I will’ campaign which Ruth May, Director of Nursing at NHS Improvement recently wrote to NHS Trusts about, champions the importance of increasing youth social action opportunities.

This conversation, hosted by Sir Bruce Keogh in collaboration with young people and Trusts who are opening their door to young volunteers, will offer plenty of hints and tips for us all to consider on how we grow youth social action in our organisations.

  • Monday September 11, 1.00pm: STP and New Care Models feature zone: ‘Ask the Expert: Are Children seen and heard on your patch?’

Kath Evans, NHS England’s Experience of Care Lead for Infants, Children, Young People and Maternity, will explore with young people from Bradford how Sustainability and Transformation Programmes (STPs) across the country can embrace young people and fully engage them in designing and delivering healthcare.

Young People of Bradford recently successfully delivered an event ‘Self Care Everywhere’ bringing health care leaders together with young people to discuss issues such a healthcare rights, access to GP services and new models of mental health care.

The young people of Bradford will be there to advise and guide us as we work to engage children and young people in our work programmes.

  • Monday September 11, 2.30pm – 3.45pm: Discussion with the National Quality Board and the NHS Youth Forum.

This fringe event is being supported by Sir Bruce Keogh. This is a special meeting of NQB members, focused on quality issues specific to Children and Young Adults.

This discussion will explore:

  • Implementation of the refreshed ‘You’re Welcome Standards’ ensuring all services are accessible to young people.
  • Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) the role of young people in addressing AMR
  • Digital Health, learning from approaches such as ‘NHS Go’

The NHS Youth Forum will also be at Expo, so please do come and chat with them about the work they’ve been doing and how you can use their ideas in your local areas.

Kath Evans

Kath Evans, RGN, RSCN, MSc (Nursing), PG Dip (Education), BSc (Hons), PG Dip (Management), Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Accredited Coach, is NHS England’s Experience of Care Lead – Maternity, Infants, Children and Young People.

She is a registered general and children’s nurse and her career has included clinical, educational, managerial and service improvement roles.

She is committed to ensuring the voices of children, young people, families/carers and maternity service users are heard in their care and in the design, delivery and commissioning of services.

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